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Effects of mid-summer transport duration on pre- and post-slaughter performance and pork quality in Mexico; Meat science; 73; 404-412; 2006; Holanda
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Comparative routes of oxytocin administration in crated farrowing sows and its effects on fetal and postnatal asphyxia; Animal Reproduction Science, Elsevier Science; 87; 2005; Holanda
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The effects of vetrabutin chlorhydrate and oxytocin on stillbirth rate and asphyxia in swine; Theriogenology; 64; 1889-1897; 2005; Estados Unidos
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Dose minimization of oxytocin in early labor in sows: uterine activity and fetal aoutcome.; Reproductive Toxicology, Elsevier Science; 20; 255-259; 2005; Holanda
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Meconium staining of the skin and meconium aspiration in porcine intrapartum stillbirths; Livestock Science; 102; 155-162; 2006; Impact Factor 1.325
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Obstetric and neonatal outcomes to recombinant porcine somatotropin administered in the last third of pregnancy to primiparous sows; Journal of Endocrinology; 189; 575-582; 2006; Inglaterra
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Perinatal asphyxia pathophysiology in foetal and human neonate: a review; Animal Reproduction Science; 90; 1-30; 2005; Elsevier, Holanda
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Effect of oxytocin treatment in sows on umbilical cord morphology and meconium staining and neonatal mortality of piglets; American Journal of Veterinary Research; 63; 11; 1571-1574; 2002; Estados Unidos; Impact Factor = 1.11
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Effect of pentobarbital on pH and electrolyte levels after induced seizure in rats; Seizure: Eur J Epilepsy; 16; 397-401; 2006; Holanda; Elsevier Scienes, Holland.
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Effects of sildenafil on the fetal growth of guinea pigs and their capability to survive inducedintrapartum asphyxia; American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology; 198; 127.e1-127e6; 2007; Estados Unidos
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A systemic review experimental and clinical studies of sildenafil citrate for intrauterine growth restriction and preterm labor.; J Obstetrics and Gynaecology; 27; 255-259; 2006; Europeo
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A study of piglets born by spontaneous parturition under uncontrolled conditions: Could this be a naturalistic model for the study of intrapartum asphyxia?; Acta Biomedica; 78; 29-35; 2006; Elsevier, Holanda
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Morphological changes in the lung of meconium stained piglets at birth and dead in the neonatal period; J. Vet. Diagn. Invest; 18; 622-627; 2006; Estados Unidos
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Short-term neurophysiologic consequences of intrapartum asphyxia in piglets born by spontaneous parturition; International Journal of Neurosciences; 117; 2006; England
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“Long feet piglets: a case of yatrogenia”.; Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria; 35; 1; 115-118; 2003
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“Lactational estrus induction in the Mexican Hairless sow”.; Animal Reproduction Science; 72; 115-124; 2002
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“Incidencia, caracterización y control de descargas vaginales posparto en cerdas lactantes en el desempeño reproductivo”.; Salud Animal; 25; 1; 50-55; 2003
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“Long feet piglets: a case of yatrogenia”.; Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria; 35; 1; 115-118; 2003
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“Use of oxytocin in penned sows and its effects on fetal intra-partum asphyxia”.; Anim. Reprod. Sci.; 84; 157-167; 2004
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“Efecto de la pérdida de grasa dorsal y peso corporal sobre el rendimiento reproductivo en cerdas primíparas lactantes alimentadas en condiciones de traspatio”.; Revista Científica Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; 14; 1; 13-19; 2004
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“Lactational estrus in sows, a way to increase the number of farrowings per sow per year”.; JAVA; 3; 5; 294-305; 2004
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“Uterine and fetal asphyxia monitoring in parturient sows treated with oxytocin”.; Anim. Reprod. Sci.; 86; 131-141; 2005
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Dose-response of oxytocin administration: effects in fetus and porcine neonate.; Reprod. Toxicol.; 20; 255-259; 2005
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Horse meat for human consumption in México: slaughter performance and carcass morphometry.; Journal Food. Tech.; 4; 2; 106-110; 2006
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Morphometry, carcass yield and traits of Mexican Creole Goat kids slaughtered and packed in a Federal Inspection Plant .; Journal Biol Sci.; 6; 3; 604-609; 2006
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Equine Carcasses: nutritional analysis, shrinkage and cutting performance.; J. Biol. Sci.; 6; 4; 706-710; 2006
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“Can uterotonics reduce fetal and newborn piglet mortality by perinatal asphyxia and improve functional vitality?”; Journal of Medical Sience.; 6; 6; 884-893; 2006
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“Effect of different doses of oxytocin at delivery on suffering and survival of new born pig”.; J. Medical Science.; 7; 2; 170-178; 2006
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“The Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum): factors that limit its production and alternatives for its conservations”.; International J. Zool. Res.; 2; 4; 362-368; 2006
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“Influence of time at which oxytocin is administered during labor on uterine activity and perinatal death in pigs”.; Biological Research.; 40; 55-63; 2007
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Piglet survival in early lactation: A review.; J. Animal Veterinary Advs.; 6; 76-86; 2006
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“Effect of the parity number on the uterine dynamics and fetal distress in the expulsion phase of spontaneous farrowings in sows”.; J Applied Anim Res; 33; 181-185; 2008
“Distocia: Efectos y repercusiones en animales domésticos”, Entorno Ganadero, volumen: 3, número: 21, México, 2007, pp. 33-45. En coautoría con González Lozano Miguel, Mota Rojas Daniel, Velázquez Armenta Yadira, Alonso Spilsbury María de Lourdes, Olmos Hernández Adriana, Ramírez Necoechea Ramiro.
“ Método de aturdimiento y calidad de la carne”, Bayvet, volumen: 25, México, 2007, pp. 27-29. En coautoría con: Becerril Herrera Marcelino, Mota Rojas Daniel, Lemus Flores Clemente, Trujillo Ortega María Elena, Ramírez Necoechea Ramiro, Alonso Spilsbury María de Lourdes.